
Technical sheet

The appellation

Our Beaune assembles several small parcels from the Montée Rouge climat, grown on both sides of a ruddy, iron-rich coomb. Known by wine growers as “The White Virgin”, the south-facing vine has the structure and power of a quality wine that is fat, rich and astounding...

Encircled by its ramparts and bastions like a cask by its staves, Beaune is, in the words of the architect Viollet-le-Duc, the only town in the world where you actually want to fall ill! The Hôtel-Dieu, built in the middle of the 15th century by Nicolas Rolin, counsellor to Philippe the Good, Duke of Burgundy, is a flamboyant gothic representation of a love story between Burgundy and Flanders in the days of the Order of the Golden Fleece. Sister city of Bruges, Beaune is the capital of Burgundy wine.

For centuries the term “vin de Beaune” referred to wine from throughout the Côte de Beaune. In the early 18th century the separate identity of Beaune’s crus started to become apparent, and was fully recognised in the following century.

As most local wine merchants were based in Beaune, the town soon took its place as the heart of Burgundy wine. Petrarch claimed that Beaune wine was the main reason why the cardinals were in no hurry to leave Avignon for Rome. The Duke of Burgundy often sent barrels of his wine to Rome to obtain papal favours. A local proverb says that “Beaune wine loses out only through lack of comparison”. As early as 1728, abbot Claude Arnoux wrote: “The terroirs of Beaune produce wines which have the qualities of Volnay and Pommard, but without the defects”.

The vine

Beaune Montée Rouge (white)
Geographic situation: parcel in a coomb (road leading to Bouze-lès-Beaune).
Surface: 0.453 ha
Exposure: West
Plantings: 1994-95.

La Maladière
Surface: 0.04 ha
Plantings: 1994/95

Grape variety: 100 % Chardonnay

Soil and subsoil: reddish soil, rich in iron. Clayey with pebbles at the top of the parcel.

Planting density: 10 000 vines/ha

Total surface : 0.493 ha

Rootstock: 20 % of massal selection and 80 % of clones.
Organic agriculture. Official approval Ecocert in 1999.

Pruning: Guyot

Vineyard news: Ullage planted out. Earthing-up of the vines in winter. Spraying of nettle and rhubarb, horsetail, yarrow, tansy, comfrey tea during each treatment. Suckers removed in spring.

The wine

Harvest date: 7th September 2022  (root day).
Selection: hand-sorted in the vineyard and on arrival in the winery.
Yield: 62 hl/ha

Pressing: whole bunches for 2 hours 30.
Settling: 12 hours
Starting fermentation in stainless steel tank and the end in oak barrels.
Pneumatic press.

Lenth: 16 months in oak barrels and 2 month in tank.
Percentage of barrels: 20%
Toasting: medium heat.
Source of wood: Allier, Cîteaux.
Stirring of the lees: One times per month during the fruit days and rising moon until December.
Racked in tank two months before the bottling.
Light fining with bentonite. Soft filtration.

April 17th, 2024 (leaf day).
By gravity.
Limited to 6313 bottles.

Family Domaine at the heart of Burgundy

Contact us

7bis, rue de l’Eglise
21700 Premeaux Prissey

+33(0)3 80 62 48 25
+33(0)3 80 61 25 44

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Are you passing through Burgundy?
Find our wines at La Maison Vougeot :
1, rue du vieux château
21640 - Vougeot
Burgundy - France
+33 3 80 61 06 10
+33 6 83 79 44 49

(Visits exclusively for the trade by appointment.)