
Technical sheet

The appellation

“Two” the symbol of perfect balance is the number that best sums up this parcel. La Justice is two hectares located at the bottom of the village with two distinct terroirs. The alluvial “les graviers” gives very concentrated grapes of confirmed maturity, whereas the higher part yields a lighter style wine. The stronger characteristics of La Justice make this a wine to lay down.

At the foot of the Combe de Lavaux, a cool, deep coomb cut into the hillside as if with a sickle, Gevrey-Chambertin is an enthralling overture to the Symphony of the Grands Crus. The air contains hints of all the themes played by the Pinot Noir down to Santenay, some majestic, others more subtle.

Gevrey-Chambertin, a king among wines, can only bend its knee before an emperor. Napoleon accepted this homage and remained faithful to it. The Count of Las Cases, in his Mémorial de Sainte-Hélène, noted that “For fifteen years the Emperor constantly drank the same wine, which he liked and which we believed was good for him”.

The vine

La Justice
Surface: 0.6695 ha
Geographical situation: flat parcel.
Exposure: East
Plantings: 1966

Grape variety: 100% Pinot Noir

Geographic situation: Our Gevrey-Chambertin is assembled from several parcels which combine harmoniously. To the east of the village’s land lies La Justice, an ancient climat which, as wine critic Jacky Rigaux so rightly points out, lies on the centreline of the cone containing geological material which has fallen from the coomb over the millennia.

Soil and subsoil: the mineral fraction is particularly varied, with a mixture of pure silt, clayey silt and deep clay. The bottom of the parcel is slightly calcareous, the top not at all. Gest compost.

Planting density: 10 000 vines/ha

Rootstock: 80% of massal selection and 20% of SO4
Pest management since 1992
Organic agriculture. Received official approval Ecocert® in 1999.

Pruning: Guyot

Vineyard news: Earthing-up of the vines in winter. Spraying of nettle and rhubarb, horsetail, yarrow, tansy, comfrey tea during each treatment. Suckers removed in spring.

The wine

Harvest date: August 31st 2022 (root day).
Selection in the vineyard and on arrival in the winery.
Yield: 35.8 hl/ha

Not crushed harvest and vatted by gravitaty.
No yeast addition.
Maceration: pre-fermentation, cold  (12-15°C) during 5 days.
Length of maceration: 17 days.
Light pumping-over once a day until the end of maceration.
Pressing with the vertical press.

Length: 15 months in barrel and 1 month in stainless steel tank.
Type: in oak barrels.
Percentage of new barrels: 20%
Toasting: gentle and slow.
Source of wood: Cîteaux.
Light and soft filtration. No fining.

December 5th, 2023 (fruit day).
Limited to 3042 bottles.

Family Domaine at the heart of Burgundy

Contact us

7bis, rue de l’Eglise
21700 Premeaux Prissey

+33(0)3 80 62 48 25
+33(0)3 80 61 25 44

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+33 3 80 61 06 10
+33 6 83 79 44 49

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