
The vine

Route de Bouze
Surface: 0,533 ha - parcel in a coomb (Route de Bouze-lès-Beaune)
Exposure: West-facing
Plantings: 1985/1986

La Plante
Surface: 0,218 ha - parcel in a coomb (route de Bouze-lès-Beaune)
Exposure: West-facing

Sous Sapins
Surface: 0,9003 ha - parcel in a coomb (route de Bouze-lès-Beaune)
Exposure: West-facing
Plantings: 1964/1965

Grape variety: 100% Pinot Noir

Soil and subsoil
: Red, very rich in iron. Silty soil, very pebbly at the top of the plot

Planting density: 10 000 vines/ha

Total surface: 1,613 ha

Rootstock: massal selection only.

Organic agriculture: since 1998. Received official approval ECOCERT in 1999

Training style: Guyot

Vineyard news: Ullage planted out in autumn. Earthing-up of the vines in winter. Spraying of nettle and rhubarb, horsetail, yarrow, tansy, comfrey tea during each treatment. Biodynamic preparation of 500 and 501 at the end of the winter and of 501 in spring before the flower. Suckers removed in spring.

The wine

Harvest date: 5th september (fruit day).
Selection: hand-sorted in the vineyard and on arrival in the winery.
Yield: 44 hl/ha

Grapes not crushed and vatted by gravitaty.
No yeast addition.
Maceration: pre-fermentation, cold  (12-15°C) for 5 days.
Length of maceration: 17 days.
A pumping-over per day until the end of vatting time.
Pressing with the vertical press.

Length: 14 months in barrel and 1 month on stainlessteel tank.
Type: in barrels.
Percentage of new barrels: 20%
Toasting: long and slow.
Source of wood: Allier “grains fins”, Cîteaux.
Light and soft filtration. No fining.

December 11th, 2023 (leaf day).
Limited to 2274 bottles.

Family Domaine at the heart of Burgundy

Contact us

7bis, rue de l’Eglise
21700 Premeaux Prissey

+33(0)3 80 62 48 25
+33(0)3 80 61 25 44

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1, rue du vieux château
21640 - Vougeot
Burgundy - France
+33 3 80 61 06 10
+33 6 83 79 44 49

(Visits exclusively for the trade by appointment.)