Page 2 - N°71 juillet 2023 GB
P. 2


    Hot spring, hot summer...
    Wet and windy!

                                           The Charmes-Chambertin vineyard resplendent under stormy skies in mid-July!
    There were few fresh days in Burgundy this spring.   Working 10 hours a day, we disbudded at the 3rd leaf
    Although the dazzling sun was interspersed with   on 2 May, not bad at this time of year, which is the
    light showers that regularly cooled the atmosphere,   most demanding for winegrowers.
    the weather was rather warm on average. The vines        ♦
    are doing well, even very well this midsummer. Once   The first treatment was on 3 May, and the second
    again, we faced a race against time in the vineyard,   one a week later.
    with just under two months to go before the harvest.     ♦
    Most of the work is done, and August will do the rest!   Trellising was conducting from the end of May and
                      ♦                     throughout June, bearing in mind that we did this
    The team of winegrowers has been really busy. The   twice. Although Puligny-Montrachet is the area
    first tillage was carried out on 20 April, a process   furthest ahead this year, the Côte de Nuits has finally
    we aim to minimise to avoid compacting the soil   caught up.
    too much. We finished the season with five passes,       ♦
    which is rather satisfying. The idea is to flatten out   Flowering occurred throughout the vineyard at the
    the grass to avoid it from competing with the vines.   end of May. This year, it was very fast and very fragrant,
                      ♦                     but with a fair amount of coulure, without affecting
    This was challenging during the first two weeks of   the excellent load on the vines, which promises a
    May due to alternating rain and sunshine, causing   generous harvest.
    the grass to grow very, very quickly!                    ♦
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