Page 6 - N°71 juillet 2023 GB
P. 6


    Maturing the 2022s, first bottlings
    of a solar and concentrated vintage

    Following 11 months of ageing, the first bottling of the   Famille Chardonnay (10,653 bottles) and Côte-de-
    2022 vintage was conducted between 10 and 16 July.   Beaune Les Pierres Blanches Red (3,485 bottles).
                      ♦                                      ♦
    Pumped over a month before bottling, on a fruit day   Wines were matured in 20% new barrels and were
    for the reds, they were bottled on fruit and root days,   not racked during maturation. Part of the Bourgogne
    and during waning and ascending moon phases.   Pinot Noir blend was aged in big barrels (350- and
                      ♦                     430-litre demi-muids), and since 2016 we only use
    This vintage already promises to be highly concentrated,   the big 450-litre barrels for the white version. With an
    with more structure and substance than the 2021, while   increasing number of old barrels, the style is evolving
    retaining a great deal of finesse and fruit. This vintage   towards less woodiness and more subtlety.
    is also much more aromatic, with more pronounced         ♦
    black cherry and blackcurrant notes in the reds and   We’re delighted to be able to finally accommodate all
    white flowers in the whites. This solar vintage also   our customers, thanks to the generous volume of this
    boasts excellent acidity, which contributes to its superb   2022! Once the harvest is over and all the 2023s are
    balance. While 2021 was more of a white year, 2022   in the cellar, allocations will start in November for
    promises to be a year favourable to both whites and   delivery in September 2024.
    reds. The reds are already very charming and the
    whites very complex…
    These bottlings include Bourgogne Terres de Famille
    Pinot Noir (33,913 bottles), Bourgogne Terres de
                                                   Photos : Bénédicte Manière - Antoine Capotosto - Sylvie Poillot
       DOMAINE DE LA VOUGERAIE - 7 bis, rue de l’Eglise - 21700 PREMEAUX-PRISSEY
             FRANCE - -   domainedelavougeraie
                   TEL : (33) 03 80 62 48 25 - FAX : (33) 03 80 61 25 44
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