Page 3 - N°71 juillet 2023 GB
P. 3

A series of small hailstorms on 11   to retreat once again. In organic   ahead, even though a few spots of
    June in the Vougeot area had us   farming, contact products don’t   oidium appeared in the Côte de
    fearing the worst. Fortunately, we   penetrate the plants, they are sprayed   Nuits and the Champs Gains in
    were only slightly impacted. That   onto them and consistently washed   Puligny, but so far nothing alarming.
    said, rainfall was heavy, with 70 mm   off by showers. Consequently, we   We applied 10 treatments, which
    in 10 days! As a result, the risk of   have to make do with whatever   is reasonable.
    mildew increased in the Côte de   the weather throws at us.     ♦
    Nuits and that of oidium grew in      ♦              The vines are thriving, they are
    the Côte de Beaune. Fortunately,   The most recent storm, well forecast,   green and vigorous, and the grapes
    the overall cool nights helped   on 11 July, mainly affected Meursault   are very healthy!
    reduce the pressure!      where we have no vines. Only the
               ♦              plots located in Volnay and the
    Trimming and first toppings at   Chambolle area were hit. But above
    the end of flowering, early June.   all it was the sheer volume of water
    Despite us monitoring the very   that proved impressive, with more
    precise agricultural weather   than 24 mm in the Hautes-Côtes
    forecast daily, or even hourly in   de Nuits and up to almost 53 mm
    the event of weather warnings,   in Vosne-Romanée!
    rainfall is often highly localised    ♦
    and not always predictable, and   With organic methods, timing is a
    the 12 mm downpour in Puligny-  little tighter. However, we succeeded
    Montrachet on 5 July caused us   in keeping on track and thinking

                                                              Trimming in the early hours of 28 June
                                                                at 30 degrees in the Côte de Beaune
                                                                  Les Pierres Blanches vineyard.

                                                                  Les Petits Noizons in Pommard,
                                                             a manicured vineyard ready for summer!
                 Rachele ties up grape vines in our vineyard of Savigny-lès-Beaune Premier Cru
                                     Les Marconnets vineyard on 31 May.
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